Tar and feather them
Having converted from Republican to Democrat before the guns began to shoot I feel empathy towards members of the GOP who are now jumping from the president’s badly listing Iraqi ship. Lugar, Domenici and many others are fast jumping to the ship of common sense and converting to the Church of Political Pragmatism, and they want us to know that the new oaths are being taken freely and without mental reservation. Should we not welcome the prodigal? Hell no!
This conversion represents the end of Reaganism, and those pushed it well beyond the Gipper’s wildest fantasies of national greatness must pay for their sins and stupidity.
Just as the Democrats had to spend decades in the wilderness for their folly in Vietnam and for the excesses of the Great Society that signaled the end of the New Deal, so these enablers of the neoconservatives and the evangelicals who pushed for world hegemony with hubris that would make a Roman emperor blanch with shame must climb the mountain and meet the gurus of realism.
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Pearl, Wolfowitz, Feith, Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Bolton, Coulter, the late Gerry Falwell, and literally thousands of other political and religious zealots nearly took our nation over the abyss of ignorance and into the folly of remaking the world in our image. But it was the millions of enablers who waved the flags and beat the drums for these artists of madness and their representatives in the Congress who until they saw the end of their power coming quickly into view and got the new time religion and who now make a turn to the middle and point their fingers at Bush and his lackeys as being responsible for it all.
Now that the gash made by the iceberg in the ship of state is becoming visible to all, the Republicans on Capitol Hill blame it all on George. He made them spend and spend on bridges to nowhere; he led them down the garden path on Iraq; and he twisted their arms on diverting us from the war on terror to the fool’s errand of remaking the world. They never wanted to bankrupt our grandchildren. They only wanted to save the world, and they followed George because he said he had the plan.
What are we to do? Welcome their late conversions? Hell no! Drive them to hell out of Washington and tar and feather them on the way out and order them to contemplate their sins from the heartland.
Democrats, vote the straight ticket; Republicans, vote against any of your brethren who enabled these morons; Independents; vote Democrat. Nobody who leans to toward the center or right should worry; the Democrats, true their base, are already laying plans for the next Republican resurgence.
A decade in the desert will do wonders for the GOP. Their younger adherents can work on their tans as they contemplate what might have been. Actually being Bush’s proconsul in Iraq really wouldn’t have been much fun. They’ll soon see that they’re better off learning how to do political dirty tricks for their return to power.
America is already recovering from the nightmare. The Republicans are taking the first steps themselves; we just have to help them along. Do not be fooled by those proclaiming their recovery from folly and inoculate yourself from their phony bleating. They have to be treated and the pharmacy is the ballot box.
Blog on!
Wild Bill
Sunday, July 08, 2007
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