Friday, December 17, 2004

Name That Tune

Social Security? Solving a problem that will not become a crisis for forty-two years while Baghdad burns? What gives? Sounds like a Stradivarius to me.

We’re stuck in a quagmire that can be traced directly to one man – and it’s not Osama bin Laden – that is costing Iraqi lives beyond count, troop deaths mounting toward the two thousand mark, tens of thousands of broken American bodies and minds, hundreds of billions in national treasure that could be applied to chasing down and destroying the organization that has already killed three thousand Americans, created – along with a wartime tax cut - a national budget deficit approaching half a trillion dollars, and the solution: it’s two fold – extend the tax cuts and borrow trillions so that we can save Social Security which will be in a crisis situation at the half century.

What is George on? I want some of that. My two beers at Happy Hour just don’t hack it. This is real juice that this guy’s found.

Let me get this straight. He wants to divert only a small portion of young workers’ contributions – just two percent by the administration’s reckoning – to be put in private accounts that will save them and America forty years from now? Really? By my reckoning that two percent of one hundred percent is really almost a third of the individual Social Security contribution of six and a half percent of gross income.

Our trade deficit is being financed by some of our world competitors, including China which is doing everything possible to become our military equal. What happens if they decided to stop supporting the dollar? I’ll tell you - chaos in our financial markets and our economy. Oh, are those Social Security accounts that George is pushing for insured against that eventuality? What’s that tune he’s playing on the fiddle?

This ploy on Social Security is the biggest red herring in the history of the country. We’re mired in a war of George’s own making – against a nation that did not threaten us, and all of the excuses for the war have blown up in our faces. We’ve cut taxes in a time of true crisis and created deficits that could break our economy, and he proposes to completely reform the third rail of American politics at cost of trillions.

Keep your eyes on both his hands. While George is dazzling you with changes to the greatest social safety net ever created in this land that he says are vital to our future, our present is in grave danger. And he’s saying look over here – not over there. This guy can fiddle.

I voted for this guy in 2000 thinking we were getting a uniter not a divider. But instead of Cal Coolidge, we get Chauncey Gardiner from Being There. This stuff that’s emanating from the White House is not as profound as it sounds. These are the musings of a rancher if not a gardener.

This is madness, and half the yahoos who voted for him are screaming for more. This guy doesn’t know what to do so he’s shouting to get your attention away from the debacle he’s created in our relations with other nations and a war that is bleeding us dry. All the while the people who really attacked us are gaining recruits for a jihad against us and are issuing regular calls to have their martyrs kill as many Americans as possible. Chance the gardener likes to watch, but you better watch him as he baits and switches us all.


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