Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Look for the Silver Lining

Tis an ill wind that blows no good and at least one person on the planet has found the gentle breezes of Katrina irresistible. President Bush is cutting short his vacation in Crawford to return to Washington so that he can direct the federal response to the hurricane’s damage.

The fact that the press will have to pull up stakes and leave Cindy Sheehan and her companions behind in the hot Texas sun had nothing to do with the presidential decision to vamoose.

While Cindy can pack up and track her elusive quarry to the nation’s capital, there her simple story will have to compete with many others for the attention of the media. The isolation of Crawford was perfect for Cindy and her anti-Iraq War friends.

The president, who undoubtedly feels the pain of his constituents along the Gulf Coast, almost surely issued a huge, “Whew!” when the opportunity arose to return to the White House. His performance this summer and in the coming months gives new meaning to the term `Washington Insider.’

Blog on!

Wild Bill

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