Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Party's Over

Today's blog posting is the most important of Wild Bill's career. It is not written by him but by the editors of the New York Times. As my pal El Rushbo proclaims daily, the Republicans are the party of ideas and the Democrats are bankrupt. Sadly for Rush, the bubble burst when the levees failed. Attached is today's lead editorial in The Times. It states the case perfectly. The excesses of the party of ideas are exposed nakedly before us. "Starve the beast" will no longer do. When you undermine government's ability to respond, you undermine the security of the nation.

I quoted a Republican yesterday: "Government's the enemy until you need a friend." Our emaciated friend wasn't up to the task and the society is suffering.

Government's ability to protect us must be restored. Be gone George! Crawl back into your hole Rush!

Here it is in a nutshell:

Blog on!

Wild Bill

1 comment:

Juliana L'Heureux said...

Wow, Bill, I just love your comments on this blog. And I cannot wait to cut, paste, print and save the truth telling New York Times article you're provide the link to. Nevertheless, "The Party's Over"....I'm not sure it's entirely over with. Sure, our President and the Republican party is pretty sad right now, but everytime somebody says "9-11" the "middle class America", people who prior to 9-11 never even liked New York City, are all going to swoon all over again. And, then they'll invite that snake in the grass Carl Rove over to liven things up again with his publicity lies like "swift boat". Oh, my, don't get me going. Your blog really spoke to my heart. Blog on, boy.