Sunday, December 11, 2005

Cut the Baloney

I am now pulling for President Bush to pull off whatever the hell it is he’s intent on in Iraq over the next three years. If he has to `win’, so be it. We’ve just got to get out of there and stop losing American and Iraqi lives.

He and Joe Lieberman deserve each other; maybe Joe can be the VP candidate on the Republican ticket in ’08.

Bush keeps comparing his war in Iraq with that of Roosevelt’s in W.W.II and the problems of the Iraqis with that of the Japanese in the Post War era. What the hell is Dubya smoking?

The whole world was in danger in 1941. The Japanese attacked us and the Germans declared war on us. How in God’s name can an analogy be extracted from that pile of manure? We imposed democracy on Japan – on a defeated enemy government, nation, and people.

Bush was the guy who defined the Saddam government as the enemy and the Iraqi people as our friends. How the hell do you impose a form of government on friends without them being at least a little resentful? If the Japanese didn’t like it, they could lump it, and we had the occupation army in place to make them lump it.

The comparisons of these wars and occupations are so ridiculous that they’re hardly worth writing about, but he just won’t stop with the high minded bovine waste. So what can I do?

Please, Dubya, cut the crap! Just get us to hell out of that hole ASAP with our forces in the best shape possible!

Blog on!

Wild Bill