Wednesday, March 29, 2006

We're On Our Way

Doesn’t it give you a warm fuzzy feeling that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asked the Russian Foreign Minister to look into the accusation that the Ruskies had a mole in the U.S. Southern Command who relayed all of our tactics during the Shock and Awe period right into Saddam’s ear? Well that’s the way to the bottom of that nasty little story. And if Russia tattles on itself, good ol’ Vlad Putin will be sorry and ashamed.

It’s nice to know that the administration of President _____ _ ____ that prides itself on defending the nation is outraged by the possibility that Russia has amole in our midst. It would be awful to think that we’d take a penetration of the heart of our war machine lying down. Secretary Rice who’s four heartbeats from the presidency and is oft mentioned as a possible GOP candidate to succeed Mr. ____ certainly has me convinced of her passion to out that damn spot.

And thank goodness that President ____ heard the clamor and shook up the White House. Andy Card walked the plank for the team. He’s truly a decent sort and I wish him well. Sadly, he’s an innocent and thinks he’s going to be ____’s friend now that he’s no longer staff and is blowing bubbles for him. Andy doesn’t realize that just because ____ plays a regular guy on TV that at heart he’s still an elite snob from Connecticut and Yale and really doesn’t want to spend time at the barbie chawin’ dawgs an’ suckin’ Buds with poor boys from Holbrook, MA. He's just a tad more comfortable hangin' with the likes of those boys from Enron.

The big surprise was Andy’s replacement. Josh Bolten while an insider and, as Democrats are already chanting, the author of this year’s $350 billion deficit is apparently qualified for the job. Wild Bill was taking bets on Harriet Miers since she hasn’t been rewarded for playing a constitutional scholar on the long running soap opera, All My Cronies.

Remember, while everybody hates the Congress everyone loves their own rep, so keep in mind that we’re not just firing these Republican ____ brown nosers, we’re starting them on the fast track on K Street where they’ll really be able to feed at the trough.

Gotta go! I’m playing a nurse at home in hopes of getting a spot on the communications staff on `Cronies’. Me an’ Andy, dreamin’ large.

Blog on!

Wild Bill

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