Thursday, August 25, 2005

Light or Darkness

For a generation, American society has been under pressure from the right. Frankly, there was good reason for the movement toward values and conservatism, but it has gone too far and progressives and moderates must push back.

At least since the 1920s, America has been the symbol for modernity in the world. Rights for women, minorities, and children have been revolutionized, and we are a beacon through the world for moving toward humaneness and fairness. Our environmental movement throughout the period was among the most intelligent and forward looking in the world.

The wars of the twentieth century brought great change, much of it enlightened but, sadly, much of value was lost. Clearly needed changes in the rights of women naturally led to unintended results, and in the latter decades of the last century undesirable phenomena such as single motherhood arose.

The long clash between capitalism and communism that ended with the demise of the Soviet Union had within it the seeds of problems for America and its allies. In retrospect, Vietnam which our government – over five presidencies – believed to be an integral battle in the Cold War proved to be an unimportant way station in that conflict but one which created many of our present problems. While America did not prevail in Vietnam, in no way did that slow our victory in the greater clash.

From World War I until the turning point in public opinion against the conflict in Vietnam, the Democratic Party was the source of support for an aggressive and forward looking foreign policy. The Republicans beginning with Senator Henry Cabot Lodge’s pressure on President Wilson in the years following the Great War, through Martin, Barton and Fish leading up to World War II, and on into the early years of the Cold War was the party of isolation.

But, (as has been described by many writers and thinkers – and most especially for me by Andrew Bacevich’s The New American Militarism) political and social forces that had not been clearly recognized before Vietnam began to be asserted. The left wing of the Democratic Party no longer held and, in fact, revolted against the war and led the peace movement in the country. Excesses, proudly proclaimed by one side and exploited and highlighted by those reacting against them led to a major resurge of the conservatives and the values oriented segments in American society.

The vast majority of people in the middle of the political spectrum gradually shifted from progressive supporters of policies long espoused by Democrats to the policies and values of Republicans. Most observers point to Ronald Reagan as the principal beacon in this movement, but I think signs of it were clear in the election of Richard Nixon in 1968.

With this great reaction against Vietnam, powerful forces in the most conservative wing of the Republican Party led the way in this values oriented society. Most prominent in domestic politics were the Evangelical Christians. In looking outward, the Neoconservatives, over time, came to assert themselves most effectively.

The success of these elements in American society today is obvious and overwhelming. They have cleansed American government of liberalism and stand today in charge of both the Executive and Legislative Branches. While loath to admit it, they also control the Supreme Court and most other federal courts.

They are in a position to direct the federal government’s role in foreign and domestic spheres, and indeed are now fighting for power they never dreamed possible when the movement took shape just one generation ago. They have reduced taxes and changed the ratio of redistribution of wealth in the country from rich to poor to the opposite. They are fighting to insert religion into science. They are revolutionizing public education by calling for the teaching nonscientific beliefs in science curricula. They are undermining American leadership in the natural sciences and in medical science and treatment.

They are leading American foreign policy in the bellicose assertion of power across the globe and have led us into the War in Iraq in which all of the premises for the conflict were later found to be false. In the face of obvious error, they have redefined that war as one of values rather than immediate defense of the country and its allies. Now almost two thousand American deaths, tens of thousand wounded and injured, and almost three hundred billion dollars in treasure later, they say we must fight on despite having no better goals than the day we invaded.

It is time for the middle to shift to the Democrats. Libertarians and enlightened business leaders have to recognize that Evangelical policies are worse for their values than those of the left. Moderates must see that continuing down the trail of ignorance in science and technology will cause us to fall behind our competitors.

While the Neocons have disappeared into the woodwork as the debacle in Iraq becomes obvious to the American Public, every day we see further emboldenment of the leaders of the hard right in domestic affairs. Only wild and crazy statements by the most radical, such as calling for foreign assassinations are criticized – and then not by the President.

So it is up to the middle to tilt leftward, despite knowing that this too will ultimately lead to a shift too far. We must take the country back now!

Blog on!

Wild Bill


Anonymous said...

Looking back at the English Civil War, one wag said the conflict was between the wrong, but romantic and the right, but wretched.

One may not have admired the Roundheads, but in the face of Stuart monarchs who sought to strengthen the crown and establish a autocratic state along French lines, the rising middle classes took arms against the forces of the old establishment. They may have been boorish and contained a few kooks in their midst, but they were the true progessive forces.

Today's "left" is the force of conservatism, it seeks to conserve the traditional welfare state, to conserve the system of quotas and preferences (racial and gender)that have crept over our educational institutions and are tacitly acquiesed to in our workforces. And it seeks to shame those who would have the temerity to suggest that sexual permissiveness is harmful. One wonders why evolutionary biology is so wonderful in the schools, but is harmful when used to demonstrate certain obvious truths.

By contrast, today's Republicans are the party of ideas and action. Certainly, some of their ideas are wrong and some of their actions foolish, but wasn't it FDR who claimed that the times demanded "bold, persistent experimentation?" That is the course that the Republicans have charted. And one which I am content to let run its course for a while yet.

Replacing sound science with pseudo-science, which is indeed a goal of some evangelical christians, has little chance of success. But, rather than whailing at the know-nothingness of the Bush administration, let us remember the scandalous state of education in this country and the role that the left, whether through its teacher union, educational bureaucrats, and effete professors have foisted upon us.

Before condemning the Bush administrations policies with respect to eduction, the evidence is in and the higher standards and accountability that many states have adopted and the Federal Government (through its No Child Left Behind Act has supported) is beginning to make a real difference in improving the educational system in this country.

Wildbill944 is one of the best bloggers on the web, but sometimes lets his passions run away with him. Cold hard judgements are more likely to stand the test of time.

wildbill944 said...

Wild Bill is guilty on all counts. I did not defend the president on NCLB. I agree with testing and accountability.

He does get carried away. Of Course, THAT"S WHY HE"S A BLOGGER!