Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Definer

Who says George W. Bush is a divider, not a uniter? Idiots! Look around for goodness sake; can’t you see that the president is quickly working his way towards almost unanimity among the electorate that he has goofed up virtually everything he has touched? While it began with liberal Democrats and spread like wildfire through that party on into the vast number of voters who describe themselves as independents, disaffection with Mr. Bush is now spreading like the bird flu in a hen house through the Grand Old Party, and Republicans are beginning alternative planning for Election Day 2006. Watching The Da Vinci Code appears to be the favorite in colder regions while picnics will probably be the outing of choice in sunnier climes. Not a uniter indeed!

We all know who is the decider, and he has decided to become the definer as well. While Webster – our former source of sources on such matters – indicates that amnesty is the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals, the definer has taken it upon himself to mandate that millions of illegal immigrants living in the United States will not be granted amnesty under his program because they will be forced to do the hockey pockey before be granted the right to apply for citizenship. Now there!

Poor George has come on hard times. For more than four years, he was able to round up groups of adoring right wing zealots, tell them that black was white, and they would cheer like mad. He then would tell the media that these good folks were just plain citizens, and while more than a few of us would suffer apoplexy, he got away with it every time. No more. Now even his most inbred supporters see through his B.S. and poor George can find solace nowhere, even in Crawford.

Frankly, I don’t come down far from where George and the Senate seem to want to light on the immigration issue. It’s obvious to me that we’re not going to be able to round up, arrest, interrogate, lock up, and deport twelve million people, most of whom are working and providing services for the rest of us, but George has run out credibility and has little or no chance of getting a bill on his desk that will address the problem of immigration before the election. Sadly, both major parties are quite content to let it play out that way and see it as an electoral plus for them.

Like Social Security, the immigration problem will be left to another president and Congress; sadly, both programs require attention, and the American people are the losers, as usual.

Not a uniter? Give me a break!

Blog on!

Wild Bill

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