Sunday, May 28, 2006

Still More Things

Driving from my neighborhood the other day, I clicked on to the dulcet tones of el Rushbo; this, of course, is one of the exquisite agonies I endure on behalf of the hundreds of readers of this ethereal paper. Usually I just smile as the master skewers the simple morons who have the gall to call him on the ridiculous content of his ranting or urges the ditto heads to get on with their tired recitations of fealty, but this visit to the Excellence in Broadcasting world was different, far different. The man who performs with half his brain tied behind his back just to make it fair was whining over the unfairness of life itself. Won't someone help that man untie the Gordian knot?

Rush was decrying the end of the conservative movement and slobbering about how the ghost of Nelson Rockefeller and his heirs in today’s corporate headquarters are taking back the Republican Party from the good honest folks of his audience whose only sins are of being Christian Conservatives bent only on doing good and defending the values that we all agree on: hatred of same sex marriage; defending the flag from defilers; stopping would be killers of Terri Schaivo; and other behavior of those intent on taking America over the cliff of decadence.

Rush was urging on his ever diminishing band of faithful to redouble their efforts in pursuit of truth, justice and the American way of intrusion into the nation’s bedrooms and for more tax cuts for the deserving rich. But the poor fellow was almost crying in his lamentation on the race of formerly loyal moderates to exit the conservative tent. Why it was almost as if they would even consider tax increases to pay for what they were willing to spend. Has there ever been such heresy? Why before you know it, they’ll be supporting the notion that same sex partners might even make decent parents. Horrors!

The Decider was back at it over the weekend. At the West Point commencement, he compared himself to Harry Truman who despite loss of poll numbers went on to fight the good fight in Korea in order to defend the free world against the scourge of the day, international communism. Harry’s stock has risen considerably in history, and the Decider expects the same for his junk bonds.

Since the Decider does little reading and is not old enough to remember that the Korean War began with a surprise attack by the communist North Koreans against our ally, South Korea, and that Harry assembled an international coalition under the command of The United Nations to defend the South, it’s not surprising that he doesn’t realize that there is not a valid analogy with his war in Iraq. Would someone write the Decider and explain that a preemptive attack on a nation for reasons that do not pan out is not the same as repelling an attack on an ally. Darn forgot about that reading thing; better make that a call to the White House to `splain’ the difference.

Former Senator and Veep Candidate Lloyd Bentsen of, `I knew Jack Kennedy and believe me Senator (Quayle), you’re no Jack Kennedy,’ fame died this past week Perhaps it would be appropriate to recast his most famous words for the Decider. “I remember Harry Truman, Mr. President, and believe me, you’re no Harry Truman.”

Blog on!

Wild Bill

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