Monday, August 21, 2006

Saddam Hussein is a Bad Man

This posting is for your grandchildren - and you if you'd like it clear and simple.

You’ll note that my title is not qualified. I didn’t say Saddam is alleged to be a bad man; I didn’t say some people think Saddam is a bad fellow. I said he was a bad guy. So sue me, Saddam; you’re a bad guy. I’m a straight shooter compared to Don Rumsfeld; he says and knows that Saddam’s a bad actor, but he used to make kissy face with him back when we liked him, a flip flop if there ever was one.

George Bush and Joe Lieberman keep saying that Saddam is a bad guy and toppling him from power was a good thing. Let me be very clear; I agree with George Bush and Joe Lieberman that Saddam is bad and toppling him was a good thing. Regrettably, I don’t agree with them that the United States was the power that should have removed him from power. Had the Shiites revolted and toppled him, I’d be cheering the end of a bad guy. Had the Kurds turned him out, I’m on the cheer leading team. Had his sons overthrown him; whoa, they were even worse.

Kim Jong Il is a bad man and I hope he gets toppled. Yeah, you can sue me too Kimmy. More than a few of the Iranians are bad dudes and should bite the dust. And there are some African dudes who need changes of venue. But unless they pose a threat to us or our allies, sending troops in to fight and die shouldn’t be done. By the way, Iran and North Korea are very close to posing direct threats to us and our friends; when are they going down? Screwed up in Iraq and can’t muster the support for what’s really needed boys?

George and Joe begin all of their speeches with the canard, S. bad/ toppling S good. I’ll grant both parts of that premise all day long and twice on Sunday. But I can’t grant the next assumption in their argument: we were the ones to do it. Bottom line: the Iraq War was an illegal preventive war based on cooked intelligence that Saddam posed a danger to the United States. He didn’t. George knew it. He goes back Crawford in disgrace, a failed president.

Joe may not have known that Saddam didn’t pose a threat to the U.S., so pushing for the attack by Lieberman – and lots of other Senators and Representatives – can be forgiven. But Joe persists in saying Saddam was bad and should have been deposed by us. Wrong, Joe, wrong! Bottom line: Joe’s wrong to continue to insist that the U.S. should have attacked Iraq; Connecticut Democrats were right to dump him.

Joe’s running as an Independent. Wrong, Joe, wrong! Joe’s still defending the Iraq War as needed. Saddam did not pose a threat to the U.S. There were no WMD. There was no connection between Saddam and al Qaeda. America goes to war when it or its treaty allies are in mortal danger.

In Iraq, nearly three thousand Americans have died, twenty thousand Purple Hearts have been awarded. $300 billion has been spent, $2 trillion is the likely total bill, tens of thousands of Iraqis have died, and hundreds of thousands are homeless because of that terrible decision. Those responsible must be held accountable. George Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and a number of others knew the truth. Their decision to attack Iraq has diminished our ability to fight terror. They should all resign. They won’t!

Joe Lieberman didn’t know Saddam was all baloney in February 2003. Nothing wrong, Joe; say it was a mistake and get reelected. Persist in saying we were right to attack Iraq and get trounced in the primary. Run as an Independent and say you were right some more and get whipped in the general election.

Both George and Joe say we just can’t walk away from Iraq. I’m not saying they are wrong. But they were wrong for going in and continue to be wrong when they say we were right to attack Iraq. George and Joe were wrong. Send them a message. Vote against all those who continue support the war in Iraq as the right thing.

This war is the worst blunder in American foreign policy history. If your representative persists in saying we were right to topple Saddam, throw the bum out! Get some oversight in Iraq, the war on terror, and homeland security. Those in charge have made huge errors and continue to compound them every day.

Had enough? Vote Democrat!

Blog on!

Wild Bill

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