Saturday, October 21, 2006

White House Beautification

As you regulars know, Wild Bill is a resident of the Washington area so an occasional word or two about what’s happening in the capital should not be surprising.

I’m beginning to think that the Iraq War, tax cuts and budget deficits are having an effect on our fair city. In walking past the White House the other day, I noted a very unusual sight: maintenance of the beautiful and historic grounds just isn’t what it has been historically. Any of you who have been in the mansion and on the grounds knows that it has traditionally maintained to the highest possible standards.

As I strolled along the fence line of the gorgeous estate, I noted a hole that had been dug on the inside by an animal. Since it appeared freshly dug, I thought little of it and assumed that the damage would soon be repaired by the large crew always on duty. But as I continued along the perimeter, it became obvious that there was a significant infestation of the grounds by badgers or other digging animals, and I became truly concerned.

With less than half of the fence line walked, it was apparent that the holes and digging were happening at intervals of perhaps only ten feet. Some of the sites had been recently filled but it was obvious that there was a race on between the animals and the grounds crew. There could be no doubt; a creature was attempting to dig out and the crew was working overtime to repair the damage and prevent the escape.

I made up mind to write the White House Foundation and call for a stepped up program of eradication of the pest. But at almost that instance I came upon a docent just saying goodbye to her tour group as they looked upon the south front of the grounds. I stopped her and asked if she’d noted the damage to the grounds? “Oh, that’s just Barney trying to get out. He’s withdrawn his support for the president’s Iraq War and just wants out.”

I’m not going downtown again until after election; I’m afraid I’ll see a sign in the bedroom window indicating that Laura is looking beyond the fence.

If you come to Washington, please don’t be too critical of the level of care being given the White House. This will all be taken care of in the near future.

Blog on!

Wild Bill

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