Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Words to Ponder

There are just fourteen days, a fortnight, two weeks, until judgment day. I’ll be running silent for a few days as I’ll be spending time in the land of liberals, capital of the Left Coast, the stomping ground of John Kerry and Ted Kennedy - as el Rushbo names it – with a smile.

This morning a word association game popped into mind:


Iraq - Progress - Disaster

Schiavo - Life - Exploitation

Stem cells - Living Beings - Cure

Congress - Values - Losers

Katrina - Tragic - Incompetent

Estate - Death Tax - Fair

Rumsfeld - Incompetent - Bingo

Leaks - Levees - Woodward

Gays - Bash - Tolerance

Flag - Protect - Huh?

WMD - Fear - Lies

Stay the course - Flexible - Flip Flop

Enough already. It looked a lot funnier when it was laid out in my mind, but when the rubber hit the road - words in the columns - I'd struck out. But you get the picture. It's something you might try at your next party.

Had enough? Vote Democrat!

Get your friends to the polls: fourteen; 14; fortnight; two weeks, right around the corner.


Blog on!

Wild Bill

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