Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Damn Them

As Republican and Democratic lawmakers and office holders and seekers seek to cover their slimy butts over their roles in the Iraq fiasco there is only one universal: George Bush made them do it. George Bush’s incompetence in making the policy to go to war and his total ineptitude in prosecuting it created all of life’s problems and is now the mantra for both parties to rise from the ashes by stepping on him as they grasp for straws.

Even the neoconservatives are laying it all on George’s foolish errors of not invading with a sufficient force, disbanding of the Iraqi army, firing of all Baathists, failure to recognize the signs of insurrection and just about every other sin known to man. Now George Tenet lays the blame on those around the great man (who, of course hired all of them.)

But it’s always the incompetence thing! This just doesn’t wash; while the mess was indeed managed totally incompetently, the bottom line is that we should never have invaded Iraq and all of the current posturing is an effort to get the American people to take their collective eye off of that terrible decision.

While you and I had no sources to refute the intelligence that Bush and his lackeys (actually his masters) used to flimflam us into war - that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction is the least of the sins in the run up to war. Based on the information in the public domain, I firmly believed that Iraq had both biological and chemical weapons and that he was seeking nuclear capability. Even if this were true, that is not the basis for preemptive war.

Under international law, preemptive war requires and imminent threat of attack by the opposite party. Even with all the baloney about mushroom clouds that Bush, Rice, Powell, Cheney, Rumsfeld and untold numbers of neocons used to scare the crap out of the populace, they never claimed that Saddam’s potential to attack us or our allies was anything but in some far future time frame.

The United States under President George W. Bush, despite much internal misgiving about the quality of the intelligence concerning the actual status of Saddam’s weapons stocks and programs, preventively attacked a sovereign state that all of the decision makers knew was no immediate threat to us, our allies or our interests.

All of the dancing by those members of congress of both parties, the neoconservatives inside and out of government and all the drum beaters in talk radio and elsewhere cannot change the real situation which existed, that we violated international law and badly damaged our country and the nation of Iraq. All the songs about the world being a better place without the monster Saddam is so much bull. He posed little threat to us our interests and containment was working, and we have spent more than 3,000 lives and committed $2 trillion in treasure for that fool’s errand.

While I am committed to whomever the Dems run in ’08, don’t be fooled into thinking that they have no culpability in this disaster. They only look good in comparison with the others. The Republicans beat the drums and deserve to be driven from Washington. The neoconservatives are fools actively involved in rewriting their part in the mess; do not ever forget that the greatest responsibility for this calamity is theirs. All of them (GOP, Dems and neocons) have failed us.

But try to remember the few on the Hill and in the media who stood for principal as the drums were beating so very loudly, and,God, they are very few indeed.

George Bush is the greatest fool of all, but don’t you be fooled into believing that it was all him, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Feith. Many now pointing fingers have blood on their hands. A pox on all their houses!

Blog on!

Wild Bill

1 comment:

Seven Star Hand said...

The pivotal import of Yellowcake, False Flags, & "Big Time" Evil

Hey WB,

The combination of George Tenet's book, At the Center of the Storm, Eisner & Royce's The Italian Letter and the books and research of many others in recent years now provides enough of a foundation for everyone to finally discern that 9:11 was a "false flag" operation against both the American public and the Muslim world. Likewise, the uncanny synchronicity of Al Qaeda's videos and other activities perfectly timed to reinforce and support the Bush/Cheney administration's political needs coupled with the actions of the Bush admin actually serving to strengthen Al Qaeda's position, now makes perfect sense. The apparent mistakes and chaos that have characterized the Iraq war, the easily prevented resurgence of the Taliban, and permitting Bin Laden to escape Tora Bora to a safe haven in Pakistan all fit the same pattern. It's hard to maintain a state of continuous war if you allow your made-to-order enemies to be defeated too early. It is likewise hard to remain a "war president" if your wars end too soon!

The letterhead used to forge the "Yellowcake letter" that was then used to help "sell" the Iraq war was stolen in Rome on 1/1/2001, more than nine months before 9:11 and before Little W. became president. Consequently, the use of the "Yellow-Cake Lie" was obviously discussed and planned before then! The import of this fact is that the Niger embassy in Rome was burglarized, before Bush became president, to lay the groundwork for the web of deception used to sell the Iraq War, after 9:11. More importantly, it is highly unlikely that the Iraq war could ever have been sold to the American public, without something like 9:11 happening first. Any excuses of other uses for the stolen letterhead are laughable since the letterhead burglary would have been pointless, without 9:11. This evidences foreknowledge of those attacks, a full nine months before they occurred, among other things!