Tuesday, January 04, 2005

George I, Sportsman

In keeping with the Bloggers' pledge of occasionally writing about the serious, pitchers and catchers report in just a few weeks. Sure, the football playoffs have yet to kickoff, but in Florida and Arizona baseball diamonds are already being groomed.

As we all know, this will be the happiest spring training in eighty-four season for the Boston Red Sox. The weight of the world is off their shoulders but, of course, some of those responsible for the joy won’t be there to celebrate. For example, Pedro will be back with the pack of losers from Gotham, but with the low class way he said goodbye few in Southie will be weeping.

George Steinbrenner, the Boss, is a fierce competitor, one who’ll do most anything to win, especially by writing mega checks. But he’s a good sport too. That commercial in which he signs one too many and sprains his arm is hilarious. I’ll bet he’s thought about a secret surprise for the Red Sox fans that will cement his place in the hearts of New Englanders.

When the Yankees and Red Sox meet in Grapefruit League play this spring, wouldn’t it be great if George brought those American League Championship trophies that the Yankees won over the past several years when powered by a juiced up slugger and forfeited them to Red Sox Nation as token of gentlemanly sportsmanship. He can’t help but have thought about it and, given his warm and cuddly feelings about the Sox, wouldn’t that just be the icing on the cake as a way to kick off a new era in New York / Boston relations. So don't wait for Bud Selig to make the ruling, George, just do it! You'll feel so good.

If The Boss does that by opening day, I pledge that Wild Bill will never again describe the Yanks as the Evil Empire. I know that my legion of friends and readers who live for the empire are, in reality, intent on equity and will read these lines and see the wisdom of this proposal.

Deal? Done! Love you, Georgie,

Wild Bill

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