Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Goodbye John

I voted for John Kerry, but I’m no longer crying over the loss.

This President Bush 43 and his handlers are so obdurate and stay so relentlessly on message that is virtually impossible for them to acknowledge reality. Surely, had Senator Kerry won, the long knives of the reactionary right and the neocons would be out for him with regard to his plan to disengage from Iraq.

That the Iraq War and its aftermath is one of the great foreign policy blunders in American history is becoming more evident to the American people each day, and President Bush is going to have to redefine all of his goals and definitions of success in order to disengage our forces from this quagmire.

Had Senator Kerry won, these very steps would likely have been cause for the radical right to call for his impeachment. Surely his actions would have been labeled a stab in the back to our men and women in the military and a cowardly retreat in the War on Terror. So we must suffer through as many months and years as it takes for President Bush to explain that his disastrous folly in Iraq is in actuality a great success and that the Iraqis will now and forever more enjoy freedom and the American way.

The neocons and their drum beaters on the radical right like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, and Oliver North are going to have to put their stream of consciousness baloney machines into overdrive to talk their way out of this mess. Their constant upbeat messages about the true situation in that troubled land are going to have to be finessed over the balance of 2005 and probably long after.

I’ve said about everything I can or care to on this matter and will try to avoid writing about this tragedy any more. Let's hope I succeed.

The Republicans have clearly overreached, and I look forward to a safely divided government. My hope is that never again in my lifetime will we have both houses of Congress and the White House in the hands of either party at the same time. I look to 2008 with great hope and optimism.

Blog on!

Wild Bill

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