Thursday, July 20, 2006

How Lame?

Gulliver entwined or the king of beasts being snapped at from behind by hyenas? Take your pick of these or any other images you can conjure of the powerful being harassed by the weak. Poor George, the lamest of the lame ducks since Herby Hoover, can’t catch a break. His war is increasingly viewed by his (former) supporters as having the aspect and smell of leprosy. In a front page story in today’s Washington Post, the (formerly) faithful now point to (his) incompetence for the ever more obvious failure.

The president broke ranks with Tom Jefferson yesterday and vetoed his first bill. Seventy percent of the American people see stem cell research as worthy with great potential to heal the sick and to make the lame walk. But George with his usual ability to redefine inflexibility cannot break with his hard core supporters and is abandoned by many of his (formerly) most ardent Hill admirers. If stem cell research ever does find the cures for some of the horrible afflictions that torment humanity, will those who oppose it on moral grounds refuse treatment based on its immoral genesis? Just a question.

Our lion roared at Syria and Iran and their lackeys snapped at his rump. His most personal frustrations were caught on tape in St. Petersburg when he bellowed his sad lament to the soon to be former Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

And of course, the drive by media – defined thus by my pal el Rushbo – never forgets anything and has everything the high and mighty have ever uttered in secure tape files in nuclear bomb shelters. Today’s turd is about Katrina, you remember her: the bitch of the bayou, when George was doing his darndest to appear sympathetic to the down and out he said some things that would lead one to believe that he gave a crap about the poor. With the passage of time, however, George kind of forgot these remarks. But no, the drive byes never forget anything and poor Uncurious George gets slammed for not giving a rat’s patooty about the down and out.

Sad, this lame duck business!

Blog on!

Wild Bill

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