Monday, July 31, 2006


Today, el Rushbo sank to a new low. He stated that those criticizing the neocons were anti-Jewish. No doubt, many of the leading neoconservatives are Jews; among the better known are the Kristols, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz. But not all those associated with the term are Jewish; I believe John Bolton is not an American Jew and he’s clearly in that camp.

The point is that Limbaugh is tarring anyone opposed to the neocon inspired foreign policy of George W. Bush as being anti-Semitic. Obviously many of the intellectual stalwarts behind the neocon philosophy are American Jews, but the overwhelming majority of American Jews are not neocons. It’s heavy stuff indeed that these right wing supporters of Bush Middle Eastern, Iraq War and war on terrorism policy are aiming at the opposition, eh?

Rush also attacked Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as being a liberal, inexperienced in military affairs, and as being soft on Hezbollah. Things are not going as well as planned for us and Israel, especially in light of the bombing and killing of innocents at Qana, Lebanon. It has to be somebody’s fault other than flawed U.S. and Israeli policy and Rush gives Olmert the nod. Lucky Ehud!

Things are stalled in New York as the U.S. is pressing for a U.N. resolution on the Israeli/Hezbollah fighting that cannot gain French or much other European support. France has countered with its own proposal for an immediate cease fire. It appears that we are stalling to buy more time for the Israelis to smash Hezbollah. While I continue to believe that would be a good thing by itself, the vast majority of other nations and world public opinion, especially Muslim, and most especially Arab, sees this as U.S. hubris and aggression that is being carried out by its surrogate. Even if it succeeds – and it is no slam dunk – do we and Israel win?

These are far from the best of times for George Bush, The United States, Ehud Olmert and the neocons, but there is not a lot of wavering as they push forward. Let’s hope they’re right. I doubt it and can’t wait to vote for Democrats in November in hopes of getting some oversight on the administration.

Supporters of Joe Lieberman in Connecticut have been very successful in ascribing the Senator’s troubles to far left wing Democrat bloggers, but the New York Times unraveled it all and endorsed Ned Lamont in next week’s primary. I want Lieberman to lose, but wouldn’t it be awful if what happens in little old Connecticut determined control of both houses of Congress? It could happen.

Blog on!

Wild Bill

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